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Mining Companies
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Highland Valley Copper, located in south central British Columbia, Canada, produces copper and molybdenum concentrates. A new life of mine plan has recently been developed, which has extended the mine life to 2027. Teck has a 97.5% interest in the mine.
The Nevada Operations of Great Basin Gold comprise the Hollister Property (“Hollister”) located in the north eastern part of the Carlin Trend, approximately 80 km (50mi) from Elko, Nevada, and the Esmeralda Property (“Esmeralda”) located in the south-west, close to the border between Nevada and California and...
KGHM International Ltd. operates mines in Canada, the USA and Chile and is currently constructing the Sierra Gorda copper-molybdenum project in Chile. We are advancing the Ajax project in British Columbia as well as the Victoria project, our newest discovery in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź...
The original Kerr-Sulphurets project was comprised of two contiguous claim blocks in the Iskut-Stikine region in British Columbia, approximately 20 kilometres southeast of the Eskay Creek Mine.
Our Line Creek operation is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Sparwood in southeastern British Columbia. Line Creek supplies steelmaking and thermal coal to a variety of international and domestic customers. 
The Mt. Milligan copper-gold project, located 155 km northwest of Prince George, and mid-way between the communities of Fort St. James and Mackenzie in central British Columbia, Canada.  The project received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate in March 2009 and a Mines Act Permit from the province of British Columbia in...
In August 2011, Nyrstar successfully completed its acquisition of Breakwater Resources, the owner of the Myra Falls mine in Canada. There have been over 100 years of mineral exploration activity in central Vancouver Island and over four decades of active mining at Myra Falls.
The New Afton copper-gold mine is located approximately 350 kilometres northeast of Vancouver in the south-central interior of British Columbia. The property is only 10 kilometres from the regional hub of Kamloops and is easily accessible by paved road.
KGHM International Ltd. (formerly Quadra FNX Mining Ltd.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Our story is one of rapid growth, from a junior mining company to a global industry player.